il t'axF/'tiini-/i-luu ' anuary, China succcssf y lg'e-4, a small base station and ie far side ofthe moon, become nation to touch down in that u sphere. ''We are building Chit ucc giant," Chang'e-4 chief de: Veiren said at the time. tst year, Ye Peijian, the leac )untry's lunar program, desc !ency's work by invoking Bei ng dominance across the £ Sea islands: "The universe the moon is the Diaoyu lsl; (s Huangyan Island. Ifwe doJ aow, even though we're capat so, then we will be blamed b ldants." That may just be c )er rattling, but it's gotten th ofWestern observers. "I hal hat within the next five years, nplete ftheir own space stat ounce a manned lunar progr In Johnson-Freeze, a professt -security a#airs with experti: :fence and technology at the N lege in Newport, R.I. ng the new sl)ace race is a Ofeconomic. tr :, techDolOpir.,]