Fri Nov 30 23:04:17 PST 2018
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Samsonn says
CJ is the biggest Affiliate Network, but their policies of charging the merchants need to be altered, to make it more and more popular and merchant friendly.
Gail Gardner says
Hi Samsonn,
Yes, CJ is expensive so small businesses will use instead.
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Samsonn says
Yep, rightly said, Gail Gardner. Now a days, small merchants are moving more towards shareasale. It helps them grow well and make good profits.
Catherine says
I think Commission Junction is still the top affiliate marketing platforms for selling physical products online. Thanks for reminding beginners how it works!
air purifiers says
has anyone try volusion in house affiliated program?
growmap says
When I managed AdWords accounts full time for a living, Volusion was one of the top three ecommerce solutions. They also provide the free chat service I recommend most. Based on that I would trust their in-house affiliate program.
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iPhone App Development says
Before this i never heard about CJ so it is something new for me and interesting. I love to know like this knowledge and improve my talent. I thank you for this great contribution and it is really praiseworthy. Thanks again.
growmap says
CJ is the oldest affiliate network I am aware of and I’ve used it off and on since the mid-1990s. Start with magazines – that is the best converting, best paying option for most sites.
Mikaila says
I’ve been hearing a lot about this affiliate programs but I’m not really familiar about it or how it works. Does that really work? I’m a bit skeptical about it that’s why I’m trying to research more about it since almost all the sites I’ve been visiting offers this.
growmap says
Hi Mikaila,
Yes, it really works and especially if you choose products or services that your readers would be interested in. As I mentioned, start by promoting specific magazines as they are a strong seller with high commissions and there are magazines related to almost any site.
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Noel Addison says
I’ve never tried commission junction. But it sounds cool but their policy is so wicked.
Lisa says
You know I’m really glad to see this because something has been bothering me. I run a website basically for feline health and I only recommend products I feel are safe for pets. I had joined CJs under recommendations of one of the companies I recommend on my site. Immediately I had problems with them not registering my sales and not paying me! I could not get any help from them whatsoever, they couldn’t have cared less. It was so frustrating as I’m new to this. I’m not looking to make a million dollars (although of course that would be nice) but I’m busy running a support site so I don’t have time to fight all day with these people. Anyways, I decided it wasn’t worth it and went with Shareasale which I have to say are the NICEST people to deal with. I just wish they had more accounts aimed at my genre. But I am giving them a lot of leads.
What kills me is that EVERYONE out there seems to be affiliated with CJs yet if you google “problems with commission junction” you’ll see pages worth of people saying the same thing I did. So why are these companies so eager to be affiliated only with them? I don’t get it? As I said, I’m new to this so forgive my ignorance on this subject. But if someone could explain it to me, maybe I could understand better.
I’m still sticking with Shareasale though, I have had no issues at all with them and as I said, their customer service department is tops and to me that’s more important.
growmap says
Hi Lisa,
CJ has been around a long time and may be at the point where their success has gone to their heads. They are among the most expensive for merchants to use so they have big corporations and operate more like a big brand. Some image conscious companies may choose them because they are well known – but if that is the main reason they need to worry about competition from Google.
I prefer ShareASale as they are geared more to individuals and small businesses. They are definitely the network small businesses should use for their affiliate programs and the best place for affiliates, too, because they have the strongest policies to protect both merchants AND affiliates.
It is not comforting to hear that you know there are sales that did not register. I assume you verified the links you’re using? I wonder if CJ credits the sale to the first or last click – that can make a big difference.
If an affiliate program credits the first click a buyer may not even remember ever having been to that site before but the first site they clicked through from will get the credit for the sale.
On the other hand, if an affiliate program credits the last click the site they were on immediately prior to purchasing gets credit for the sale. First click programs favor the well-connected people who do big launches, so I prefer that affiliate programs credit the last click with the conversion.
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Elin says
Thank you for pointing out that stuff about Amazon. I’ve been thinking about promoting them for a while now, I just never got around to it. But knowing this I sure wouldn’t ever consider it again! Again thanks.
Back to topic, I have worked with CJ many times and never made a single sale. ? Although I’m in Sweden so that might have something to do with it. Tradedoubler has more of the well-known webshops in my country which is why they are the obvious choice for me.
growmap says
Hi Elin,
Nothing is ever as simply as it appears from the outside looking in. The two best tips I can offer about making money with affiliate programs are choosing what your readers will be interested in and pre-selling (sharing sincerely why you are interested in that product or how it benefits you) rather than selling.
If your readers go to the merchant’s site already interested they are much more likely to decide to buy.
Your location may be the reason CJ didn’t work for you. There is no easy, obvious way that I am aware of to determine which merchants ship to a particular country. (If anyone else knows do please volunteer what you know.)
I’ve made a note of Tradedoubler so I’ll know what to suggest to others in Sweden and the other 17 countries where they operate including the UK, Italy, Germany, France, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland.
growmap would love you to read ..Why Bloggers Should Care About Affiliate Marketing
Tsering Johnson says
I’ve been a CJ affiliate for a couple of years and never realized that they deduct if you don’t make a sale for so long. I knew it happened at Clickbank. Fortunately, I’ve never had that problem.
The info on magazines will be very useful, thanks.
Steve says
Definitely some good information here. There is a lot of “scammyness” in affiliate marketing. But that does not mean that it is all scammy or even close to it. Find the right products takes time and research and the more places you have to search from the better.
In many ways people worry over keyword research but finding a good strong product may even be far more important
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Chris says
Great to learn about affiliate programs for magazines–I’ve not heard of that till now.
I started with Amazon a few months back and while I’ve made a modest amount, I’m frustrated that the commission rate for their products is so low–I’ve gotten almost $6,000 for them in sales since mid August and have a paltry $400 + to show for it.
On the flip side, while it’s a smaller rate of commission, I think physical products get a WAY bigger conversion rate than digital products from placing like Clickbank that offer much higer rates of commission–so maybe it works out.
Maybe the magazine idea is a good balance between the two? I’ll have to check it out. This is the second time in 24 hours that I’ve heard the praises of Commission Junction being sung, so it looks like I’ll need to head over there and check it out for myself.
Thanks for another great article, as well as your willingness to offer a backlink to those who post comments! Much appreciated.
growmap says
Hi Chris,
I encourage bloggers NOT to support Amazon because of the inhumane, dangerous way they treat their employees. If we buy from them or recommend them to others WE are condoning Amazon’s unfair labor practices.
There are plenty of other book sellers with affiliate programs and a post about them is on my to-do list.
Yes, Amazon’s site converts well – but there are things more important in life than that – including life itself. They are intentionally risking the lives of their employees and that is just EVIL.
Heat stroke KILLS and they KNOW their employment conditions are causing heat stroke because they have ambulances waiting to rush them to hospitals.
That is a ridiculous way to deal with that issue. How about installing security bars so they can open the doors and buying some industrial fans? Is THAT too much to ask?
Anyone who has ever worked in 100+ weather knows that 100 is bad but 110 is many times harder. There is NO EXCUSE and they do NOT deserve our patronage.
growmap would love you to read ..Why Bloggers Should Care About Affiliate Marketing
Rochelle says
This was very useful – Thanks for posting it ? Look forward to reading more.
Raj says
I was not aware of the info on CJ before. I would like to give one surprise to you all – Have a big banner in your homepage which links to the main page of instead of linking to specific products. I have seen people click that ad to go buy some unique stuff! I guess people tend to forget about buying some thing and once they see the banner, they get reminded of it!
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growmap says
Hi Rasmus,
They may have a lot of affiliates who are struggling right now because of the economy. I hope most of the affiliates realize this BEFORE they decide they want to work harder during the prime holiday sales period and find out their account can’t be reactivated right away (if what Ray shared applies to this situation).
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Ray says
I have had my cj account deactivated a couple of times. I didn’t have any earnings so I guess they could take 10 dollars from me or something. You have to wait something like 30 days and then you can simply reactivate your account, but it is kind of a bummer that they do this. So there is a time period if you are deactivated that you could lose out. I haven’t been that lucky with cj, but then again I don’t push too many cj related affiliate programs.
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growmap says
Hi Ray,
It looks like there is something even worse about having your account deactivated. From the Commission Junction FAQs:
How do I reactivate my publisher account?
If your publisher account was deactivated within the last six months, you may elect to reactivate your account. If your account has been deactivated and you attempt to log in, you will be directed to a page that will inform you that your account is no longer active. This page has a link to the publisher reactivation page.
To reactivate an account, you will be required to re-read the Commission Junction Publisher Service Agreement. To be eligible for reactivation, you must have been deactivated for dormancy (that is, your account did not have any commissionable transactions for six consecutive months), and the deactivation date must have been within the past six months. There is no limit on the number of times you may reactivate an account.
Once your account has been reactivated, all of your account settings will be restored. However, any relationships that you may have had with advertisers will be severed, and you must reapply to each advertiser program to get links and earn commissions.
If your account was deactivated for dormancy more than six months ago, you do not have the reactivation option. You will need to create a new account.
If your account was deactivated for a reason other than dormancy, you will need to use a different email address and create a new account.
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Ray says
Their faqs and tos are so long and confusing they are difficult to understand. I know I reactivated it not long maybe a month ago tops. I didn’t have any earnings so I guess they couldn’t take anything. It appears that the programs or advertisers I am signed up with still exist in my account. Maybe I didn’t go over their time period for that part to kick in and happen. Like I said the faqs and tos are so lengthy and confusing, but most programs are that way.
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Satrap says
I have been using CJ for a while but not that seriously. Just promoting a few products here and there.
I didn’t know about the fee for not earning thing either. I have also gone through periods of time where I didn’t earn any money, but was never charged. Or Maybe I was and I didn’t realize it, since I don’t check my status very often.
What I don’t like about them is that with a lot of their advertisers, you have to be approved manual and in some case, it takes forever to get approved. Of course if its a seasonal service or a product, by the time you get approved, the season is over.
growmap says
Hi Satrap,
Many of their advertisers are big business and slow as molasses is their normal mode of operation. What may freak out newbie affiliates is that not only do you sometimes have to wait forever (or never) to get approved, some programs will INSTANTLY decline your application.
Most likely that means you aren’t selling enough (which of course if you’re new you couldn’t have been), but I encourage affiliate hopefuls not to let that get them down. It just happened to me as I was writing this post and applied for some major magazines to include in it.
Their loss – not ours.
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ConnieFoggles says
This is news to me about Commission Junction. I’ve been with them for about 3 years and have never been charged a fee. I’ve gone through periods of time where I didn’t earn anything. Perhaps it wasn’t 6 months though. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
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growmap says
Hi Connie,
So far this has been news to every blogger I personally asked. Has anyone else noticed that affiliate sales seem really slow lately? I’m not all that serious about affiliate marketing but our ShareASale account usually generates a lot more sales than it has the last month or two – and that could be why we’ve run into this now on Commission Junction when we never have before.
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reeha says
commission junction is a good offer through however i never go with it because of having no info but after reading this i think its a best chance to earn money without having much risk. thanks Growmap.